Ukraine aid

We are providing accommodation, food, and health products for Ukrainian families with children who have had to leave their homes to find safe haven in Poland. We are also supporting several organizations that provide shelter and aid to refugees. so far… total...

Hands on manual english

HANDS ON MANUAL Selecting a Design There are plenty of designs for assistive devices out there. The E-nable community – an open source international community of engineers and other people interested in creating 3d printed prosthetics – has a wide variety of devices...

Hands on polski

polski Hands on english Jest więcej dzieci urodzonych bez przedramion lub dłoni niż większość ludzi może się domyślać.  Jest też wiele dzieci, które straciły ręce w wyniku wypadku lub choroby. Te dzieci są pozostawione bez pomocy gdyż zbyt szybko rosną, aby móc...
Hands On English

Hands On English

ENGLISH Hands on polski There are more kids born without hands, forearms and arms than most people realise. There are also many kids who have lost limbs due to an accident or illness. These kids are left without help because they grow too fast to be able to use...