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Dragon boat charity

On Saturday 21 September 2019, we along with RC Gdansk Centrum organized the Dragon boat charity regatta for the third time on Saturday 21 September 2019 It was on the river Motlawa in the center of Gdansk The purpose of the regatta was to support the disabled fund at...

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On our weekly club meeting our member

On our weekly club meeting our member Dominik Lenartowicz was our guest speaker. Dominik explain about his work in the offshore business, and gone through a very nice presentation, there show all the difference of the way how to drill after oil and gaz. And Dominik is...

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"Rotary Connects the World” this year Rotary theme reflects well what our club does.  "Project Hands On" connects children with certain conditions to the “worlds" of other children. Being able to hold a toy with both hands, play a musical instrument or ride a...

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