Look at this Young Man’s Smile of Independence!

Patryk is a 17-year-old boy that has a smile that warms everyone’s heart.  Over 2 years ago Patryk was injured in an accident where a car ran over him causing serious injuries that has had him bed ridden for the last 2 years in a 3rd floor apartment (without an elevator).  He had been without needed ongoing physical therapy, treatments, retro fitted wheelchair, and access to continuing his education.

Sopot Rotary International Club worked with his parents who had been providing 24/7 care for over two years without any successful assistance to get Patryk on a road to recovery to improve his quality of life and the ability to establish his independence.  Patryk’s loving parents had limited resources to work within the systems to get Patryk the much-needed care.

Our Club was able to provide Patryk a new Custom Wheelchair and worked with lek. med. Marta Banach (The Hospital in Dzierzaznie Pediatric Rehabilitation Division) to get his needed treatments.  In addition, the club has worked to navigate the housing issues and arrangements are being made to get Patryk in schooling now that he can be transported.

Sopot International Rotary Club chose to help Patryk and his family in addition to the many other charitable projects we work every year to assist Children and Senior needs in our community.

Seeing the Smile, Rewards, and accomplishments on the behalf of Patryk make our efforts worth it!

Charity support 6.000 PLN


Bendt Haverberg
