Rotary Club International Sopot is proud to partner with the Rotary Club of Miami Dade, Rotary Club of Greater Gardner, and Rotary Club Cherkasy Ukraine to bring hope to children. Cherkasy Ukraine is a large city in the middle of the country on the river Dnieper. This river flows past Chernobyl nuclear site and through the center of Cherkasy.
Children play in this river and because of the radioactive silt many become ill with cancer. The Children’s Oncology Center in Cherkasy treats these children with a dedicated staff of doctors and nurses. One of our members, Christian Orobello, has visited this center and met with the staff there. He learned that the center desperately needs infusion equipment to treat the children properly. With over 30 children on the ward they have only 15 working machines, and often one child uses more than one machine.
The cost to purchase additional machines was approximately $55,000. This was a prohibitive cost for a hospital already struggling. With Rotary’s help we were able to write a global grant in cooperation with other clubs, raise matching funds, and secure all the funding needed to accomplish the goal of buying equipment for the hospital. Rotary is a global family and this project shows a family from multiple countries coming together to solve a problem. It was hard to work to raise the funds and it took several years, but we can be proud of how we worked with others across borders and oceans to help these children. It is a wonderful project and we are happy to be part of it.
Christian Orobello
RC Sopot International

Christian Orobello, Malachi, Rotarian and Doctors

Christian Orobello, at the Hospital