The club had a wonderful time of food fellowship and festivities at our Change over meeting. We had great food and surroundings courtesy of Basia Pawlisz and we honoured our outgoing president Ewa Okrucińska for all of her service to Rotary and the community. We celebrated our incoming president Bendt Haverberg as he assembled his new board and shared some of his ideas for the coming year. While we are sad to see Basia Pawlisz leave the board after 18 years of service, we know she has many Rotary adventures in her still and we can’t wait to see what she does next. All in all it was a wonderful evening and it reminds us again of how much we love Rotary and all the good things that come with it.
Christian Orobello

Incoming President Bendt Haverberg & Outgoing President Ewa Okrucińska

The Board 2020 – 2021 Vice President Julian Gilbert, Sergeant of Arms Ewa Okrucińska, President Bendt Haverberg, Treasurer Barbara Sergot-Golędzinowska, Secretary Christian Orobello

President Bendt Haverberg, PDG Barbara Pawlisz and RI Director Piotr Wygnańczuk

Anka, Julian, Monika W. Piotr, Monika S., Basia, Ewa, Bendt, Basia S. Bob, Sassan, Christian