People sick and less fortunate – nobody would like to be one of them. Our empathy is with them, but Rotarians don’t want to just pity them, they HELP.
They help to overcome the difficulties the life could bring to some, as for an instance a sickness.
That’s why our District 2231 organized an action of supplying high pressure oxygen therapy devices to hospitals dedicated to fight SARS-CoV-2 epidemic.
Our club RC Sopot International as well as RC Sopot, RC Gdańsk Sopot Gdynia, RC Gdańsk Centrum, RC Gdynia Orłowo, RC Gdynia and a private sponsor chipped in to buy one apparatus.
It was delivered and put in use in Szpital Zakaźny (jednoimienny) w Gdańsku (Hospital of Infectious Diseases in Gdańsk). This oxygen therapy helps to fight Covid-19, but once the pandemic will be over the device will be a great help for convalescents and patients with medical problems of respiratory system too.