Fire? No! Uff… We are safe!
We are safe thanks to people like them – passionate about safety of us and our properties – members of Voluntary Fire Brigade from Wda, Pomorskie Voivodeship ( Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna, Wda ) who visited us at our last club’s meeting.
The two firemen and one brave firewoman told us about their duties, trainings they have to attend and tests they have to pass in order to continue their passion of helping people in need. Moreover, although some of the fire equipment is founded by the state, in order to be called to more dangerous fires they need some particular pieces of machinery and the hotheads have to buy attires and devices from own means.
And not only fires they attend. Those firemen also care about communities they live in by organizing fairs, letting out the fire station rooms for events, collecting money with which they help their neighbours, who sometimes need an occasional support.
Aren’t we alike – rotarians and firemen? Ready to help? Imediately we felt brotherhood with them. That’s why the Club decided to allocate some money to buy brand new fire equipment for the Voluntary Fire Brigade in Wda.
Charity support for 2 needed items: 7.000 PLN

Voluntary Fire Brigade in Wda