Yesterday we had the opportunity to know the struggles of medical staff at paediatric oncology ward in a hospital in Cherkasy Ukraine to bring sick children to their original “pink of health”. Due to the radioactive pollution after the Chernobyl catastrophe many kids suffer from various types of cancer. The very dedicated doctors and nurses have to use often out of date and inadequate medical instruments and somehow overcome medicine shortages. And at the same time they try to surround the ailing kids with homelike atmosphere to ease their anxiety.
Our member Christian Orobello and his guest to our club’s meeting Julia Levytska, they try to collect the funds from the US to buy better equipment for the hospital. Even once Christian brought Superhero costumes, for the kids and Julia made Christmas cards with photo portraits of them – happy, smiling children’s faces, not very often seen over there.
Ewa Okrucińska
President 2019-2020

Ewa Okrucińska & Julia Levytska