Ladies who know where to apply the pressure.
That’s the simpliest way of discribing Temprana Reflex and its therapists Mrs. Aleksandra Adamiak and Ms. Joanna Szczypek. Both are professional reflex therapists certified by Institutio de Reflexologia Facial & Podal International Barcelona and the International Academy of Reflexology and Meridian Therapy in Warsaw. Sorensensistem© Temprana Reflex Therapy: complex face – foot – hand reflex therapy combining traditional Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese and Southamerican therapies with latest neuro reflex discoveries in treating brain damage. Non invasive but nevertheless very effective way to help children and adults with the nervous system ailnesses. Physical advantages are stimulation of blood circulation, increasing oxygen and nutrients intake, stimulation of digestive system and hormonal and enzymatic release, strengthening immunity, enhancing cell regeneration and even creation of new neurons. Mental advantages are: stimulation of endorfin release, gives calmness and comfort. Relieves pain, stimulates sensory functions, easens trauma effects, strengthens mother – child relationship.
That was very interesting presentation, as well as was our guest, our club’s former member and founder Mr. Peter Godiwala short talk about Global Grants in which RC Berlin International is involved. Mr. Godiwala right now lives is Berlin and is a member of this club.
Once more we were listening to our guests with great interest…
Ewa Okrucińska
President 2019-2020
Refleksologia Presentation_EN_ADJS

Aleksandra Adamiak, President Ewa Okrucińska, Joanna Szczypek, Maria Dudziak and Piotr Godiwala RC Berlin International